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Kungsleden 2019

DATE: 2019-07-19

With the first boat crossing the lake at 10:00 I had to hike just 1 km this morning, easy peasy. The sun came greeted me as I broke camp and it was a joy to skip the last few steps down to the cabin. It was not mosquito proof but almost, so I took two hours to catch up on podcasts with the rest of my battery while waiting. The Germans I passed by yesterday morning turned up, and we rolled into Kvikkjokk together. Considering that it only took 340g of mixed chocolate to keep me walking 38 km in one day I promptly decided to donate the remainder of my stash to the Germans, who funnily enough had joked about how great it would be if someone would show up and give them chocolate just yesterday. Arriving at my destination two days early I tried to re-book my train tickets but everything was fully book now that it is high season. As luck would have it STF happened to have one room left and it was available for two nights, so I ended up with plenty of time to clean and wash clothes and equipment. My good luck kept coming and there was an issue with the network preventing the enforcement of data caps, so for us staying in the hotel that meant truly limitless internet and for me that translated into plenty of YouTube and podcasting. In the communal kitchen I met two young Swedes doing the 1300 km "green belt" covering all of Sweden's mountain ridge in just 50 days. Maybe something to consider for a future challenge?

Fri: 22 (24) km, 40319 steps, 7h
Sat: 33 km, 55594 steps, 13h
Sun: 30 km, 50880 steps, 12h
Mon: 17 km, 29051 steps, 6h
Tue: 23 km, 38129 steps, 12h
Wed: 38 km, 63515 steps, 14h
Thu: 2 km, 3047 steps, 1h

Total number of km: 167
Total number of steps: 280535





